Friday, January 22, 2010

Another View

When Gary first mentioned the idea of writing a book, I thought: who cares about an ex-swami and a hippie from the hills of Vermont?

Anyone that knows me, knows that I serve as ballast to his intrepid enthusiasm. I didn't understand the point of writing about ourselves if it was going to be nothing more than exercise in vanity. My husband is is nothing if not persistent, however, and after a couple of years he had amassed a number of chapters about different episodes in our life.

The book took on a life of its own, however, when a young writer named Jeremy came into our life a little more than two years ago. What initially began as a relationship based on barter (he was doing sessions with Gary) grew into something else. For the first time I was able to see Gary's initial vision, and the book took on a life of its own.

Since then, the format has kept changing and morphing, presenting itself in three distinct forms before finally maturing into what its become today. It is the story of two people who began their journey as just a couple of immature kids, straight out of college, confused and searching for meaning. Being such different people, we found it in different ways - the path of marriage and the path of renunciation.

Neither gave us what we were looking for, but in exploring further we found each other and our path together in yoga. It seems strange that so many people have such negative reactions to what was such a powerful, positive experience that continues on, "34 years and counting..."

These years have helped us in developing our trainings and workshops, and in the chapters we share our process by exploring those situations that helped us to understand ourselves and bring clarity to issues that keep us stuck in the past. We've watched our relationship tools transform people's lives, and if the title exposes more readers to our work I'm all for it .

1 comment:

  1. This woman has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. She is honest (to a fault), creative (she has built a dome on 6 acres of land in Vermont in the late 60's, designed two of our homes and planned many of the renovations on our rental properties and is not afraid to move into the UNKNOWN! Radha is a gem, my partner in life and a magical mirror that lovingly allows me to get in touch with both my greatness and my shadow side.

    Enlightening Relationships was born out of our love of yoga and life!
